Artist:The Postal Service
Album:Give Up(2003)
沉鬱低調的封面與消極失落的Title,是我在網站上看見這張專輯的第一印象。當他遠渡重洋而來躺在我的CD Player中時,卻立刻終結了我一時之間無法自拔的自溺情緒。瀰漫著彩色棉花糖香甜氣味的IDM電子民謠,有如置身在目繽紛燦爛的遊樂園中般令人歡愉。
男主唱Ben Gibbard以輕鬆自在,有如敘述童話故事般的唱腔,完美搭配著慧詰靈動的電子節奏和Jenny Lewis童稚般純真的女聲,加上清新雋永的歌詞,建構出一個兼具內斂自省與歡樂氣息的美麗世界,讓我暫時忘記的生活的苦悶與失望。流暢的旋律,加上叮叮噹噹的電子取樣,帶著有如打開彈珠汽水般不斷湧出的氣泡般令人感到愉快的美好味道,讓我不由得想要閉上眼睛,深呼吸,把這美好的感覺用嗅覺、用味覺記憶在最大腦裡最古老的部份。
The Postal Service,傳遞的正是那種甜蜜溫暖、直接純粹、令人雀躍無比的感動。
該睡了,附上美麗的"Sleeping in"的歌詞
Last week i had the strangest dream
Where everything was exactly how it seemed
Where there never any mystery on who shot john f kennedy
It was just a man with something to prove
Slightly bored and severely confused
He steadied his rifle with his target in the center
And became famous on that day in november
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in
And then last night i had that strange dream
Where everything was exactly how it seemed
Where concerns about the world getting warmer
The people thought they were just being rewarded
For treating others as they like to be treated
For obeying stop signs and curing diseases
For mailing letters with the address of the sender
Now we can swim any day in november
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping
(now we can swim any day in november)
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in
Dont wake me i plan on sleeping
oOo oOo oOo~~~